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WAZZUB/PI Family Webinar recap May 30, 2013
Presented by Gee DaCosta
Good morning, good afternoon, and good day to all of you. As always, I look forward to these gatherings to exchange ideas and of course to bring you great news. This is all a process; building and working on everything together to make it perfect.
By now you know that we take our time to make our Perfect Internet perfect and we are getting there. This is all because of you, the PSM, SSM, and all the members who choose to participate on the decisions making of our project. The Power of “We“ at its best. This is our project together, creating, developing and amazing the world with our art. We are so proud to have all of you as a part of our amazing PI family because this will only continue to grow and succeed. Welcome to our amazing Perfect Internet family webinar.
First off, we are becoming more and more proactive and more interactive with our WAZZUB/PI Family members. We have noticed that some people have not been receiving/reading the newsletters from PI. I thought I was not receiving them myself, what I’ve learned was that I was receiving them, however, they were just going into my SPAM/Junk folder. What we all need to do is white-list: noreply@perfectinternetnews.com
Ok so, lets get started with some amazing news and developments.
I have seen many of the improvements that have recently been made, but not all of them. So, bare with me here. There will be a lot of great information that I’m sure you’ll be so excited you’ll probably jump off of your seat. However, just as you are new to some of this progress, so am I. So, lets go, go, go.
One of our amazing programmers and Director of software and developments has been working tirelessly around the clock and he’s been working hard overnight as we speak to bring these amazing developments to us, as it‘s already 7 AM for him. Wow, he thinks he‘s Superman! Let’s give a huge round of applauses to one of our very valuable players, Hassan Nazir from Pakistan.
Tonight you are going to learn more of the beauty of our truly amazing project that for sure will amaze you! It is not completed yet, as I am sure you can understand that everything is done step-by-step-by-step, so we can make it perfect.
Welcome to the new face of our Perfect Internet. Isn’t it true that the creator and/or owner of a particular project must know and understand every single feature about his/her project? Since this is our/your project, it is in our/your very best interest to learn and appreciate everything about it.
TA DA…. Here’s our beautiful and state-of-the art page.
First, let’s learn about the color scheme. This is so, so awesome. Log in and you’ll see this picture below. Now, click on the “COLOR” button. Choose your favorite color and click the “OK” button at the top right corner to save your color. What’s also amazing is that you can change the color at anytime you please.
Click the image to large viewed!
Now let us discover our newly updated features of the PI Homepage! If you have not set up PI as your home page yet, this is the first picture you’ll see as you log in. The difference from this picture from the one above is that on the above one, the top left box has already been set up. Notice that the first time someone, you or a new person customizes each one of the 6 boxes (minus the bottom middle box that’s not customizable) below, you/he/she earns 20 DealPoints. 5x20 = 100 DealPoints. Just to join for free and use our amazing PI home page as their home page. WOW! As you customize each box, keep an eye on the DEALPOINTS clock on the top right of the page. Watch your DealPoints grow.
Click the image to large viewed!
With our No Click No Scroll technology you can mouse over each box to see what it is all about.
When we mouse over the News box first, you see…
Click on Customize Your News Box (read the easy instructions on the left “CUSTOMIZE YOUR NEWS BOX”. It’s totally amazing. You can add 14 of your favorite links all in one place.
Click the image to large viewed!
You can add any RSS Feed you want to this page and customize it. If you want a couple of links to get you started feel free to use the ones below or simply use them as an example.
In the top first Box, (Name of News Source) put as a title: PI News
On the “RSS Link” box, Copy/paste this link: http://www.perfectinter.net/subdomains/news/?feed=rss2
2nd box title: NY Times
Copy/paste this link: http://rss.nytimes.com/services/xml/rss/nyt/HomePage.xml
3rd box title: Entertainment news
Copy/paste this link: http://feeds.reuters.com/reuters/entertainment
Now, put a check mark (click) on the 3 small boxes on the right side when you have already set up your RSS feeds. Those 3 will show on the top of your PI Homepage.
Once you have input all your links, click save button at the bottom right of the page to collect your 20 DealPOINTs! Click on “Go To Homepage” to continue customizing your page and earning more DealPOINTs.
Click the image to large viewed!
Next, mouse over the Deals section in the center of the page.
Click on Customize your Deals box. (Read easy instructions on the left)
Click the image to large viewed!
Step 1: pick 3 deals. Check your favorite 3 little boxes to make your selection and click the “SAVE” button at the bottom right and VIOLA…. You’ll go to STEP# 2 below.
Click the image to large viewed!
Step 2: pick your favorite restaurant locations to see deals in your favorite cities across the world whenever you travel and wherever you go! Then, click “SAVE”. Go STEP# 3 below.
Click the image to large viewed!
Step 3: pick your favorite hotel locations around the world to see amazing deals when you travel. Now, click “SAVE” and you’ll see the picture below.
You can customize the countries and cities, at anytime. This way, when you want to travel, you can see all the deals we have to offer in that area, and change it back to your hometown when you return, or plan your next destination trip. Wooohooo! Isn’t this AMAZING?
Click the image to large viewed!
Yeah, you’ve just earned another 20 deal points!
Next mouse over FriendzRUs and set up your community and MAILAXY accounts. If this page is not clickable when you see this recap it will be within 24/48 hrs. The programmers are still working on some of the features, so keep checking. You’ll see this:
Click on “CUSTOMIZE YOUR FRIENDS BOX” and you’ll know what to do. When you’re done, you’ll see that you’ve just earned another 20 DealPoints. Aha, are you getting excited yet? I thought so!
Next, set up your games. To do this, mouse over the section of games on the bottom left side and then click on “Customize your Games“ to choose your (9) favorite games for your homepage and collect another 20 bonus DealPOINTs.
Click the image to large viewed!
Simply pick 9 games to earn 20 DealPOINTs! If you want to take part in our free prize drawings, we recommend having PrizeMania and Lotto Madness chosen as some of your favorite games.
Set up your favorite links next, by moving your cursor over the bottom right box.
Set up your favorite links next, by moving your cursor over the bottom right box.
Click on Customize your Links box to set up your links and earn another 20 DealPOINTs.
Click the image to large viewed!
With your PI Links, you have a total of 6 different boxes available and 14 different links in each box, which leads to 84 different links you can store on your PI and have them anytime you log in to PI. This is ABSOLUTELY AMAZING. This has NEVER been done before by anyone, not Google, face book, Yahoo, MSN, you name it. We are FIRST and guess what? We own the Patent-pending technology. WOW!
By now you should realize that you WILL NEVER need to leave your Perfect Home Page for ANYTHING!
Now, click to check the top 2 little boxes to the right, and the top 2 links on each page will show as your top 2 favorite links on each box on your PI Homepage. Now click the “SAVE” button and…. Boom!
By now you should realize that you WILL NEVER need to leave your Perfect Home Page for ANYTHING!
Now, click to check the top 2 little boxes to the right, and the top 2 links on each page will show as your top 2 favorite links on each box on your PI Homepage. Now click the “SAVE” button and…. Boom!
Click the image to large viewed!
Now let’s see our brand new “MY PROFILE” page where there will be more customizations waiting for you. I’m sure that now you understand how your PI can truly be YOUR Perfect Internet!
Click the image to large viewed!
- Your Data means your personal information including your name, address, and date of birth.
- Your Membership Status means either PSM or SSM or General member.
- Your General Status means you are either active or inactive.
- Your Activity Factor means how active you are in PI, the tracking of this starts June 1, 2013.
- There is also a button to change your password.
- Show my RefLinks shows the page where all your referral links are located.
- Your Numbers means the numbers that you have in your Deal Factor, $ FACTOR, etc.
- Should you need or want to change anything you have already set up on your PI Homepage, you can access each area here in your My Profile page.
- Your News is the place to add or edit your News RSS feeds.
- Your Deals is where you edit or choose new deal categories.
- Games box is where you select new games or make any changes to your existing selections.
- Your Links is the place to edit or change any of the 84 personal links shown in your PI.
And this MY FRIENDS, is just the very first step into the next dimension in our PI Galaxy!
Tomorrow there will be a PSM webinar (May 31, 2013) you will want to be there! The password will be posted in the PSM box on your My Profile before the webinar.
Vote in the community in the new polls and tell us what you think. We are the Power of “We” at its best and whatever improvements or challenges we need to solve, we will do so just because we ARE the Power of “We”.
Contact your friends in Facebook from the WAZZUB Community, and share with them our truly amazing PI and what we have to offer totally and FREE FOREVER! Tell them…
Just look what I’ve found… The most amazing FREE page in the entire Internet. You simply become a member and you can play the top 6 lotteries in the world for FREE all in one page for a chance to win up to ,000.000.00 twelve times per week. Plus, over ,000.00 in cold hard cash @ Prize Mania and even collect DealPoints and use them to shop for Electronics, cell phones, camcorders, accessories and so much more simply with the Deal Points. Nowhere else on the Internet you’ll find this. Hurry up, join and tell all your family and friends before someone else tell them. Remember everything is totally FREE FOREVER. There’s no catches or gimmicks. Go there now, here’s my link:
You know your friends and you know exactly what they like so you can cater to their interests. Use the message above or create your own and share it in our community if it’s working so we can all grow PI to the SKY.
Remember once they join you earn 5 DealPoints and 10 DealPoints every single time they shop. They will earn 100 DealPoints immediately after customizing their Perfect Internet like you did.
Before and after they join, you can communicate with them in/from your multi-function chat bar in our WAZZUB Community wherever they are, in our community and even if they are in face book or Google (Gtalk). Again,
We have so much more improvements coming and we want you to stay involved and learn all about it.
Keep watching the PI News and attending our webinars. Keep up to date on all the conversations in our vibrant Forums and Clubs.
Thank you for your patience and all your great comments; we are all part of the same great PI family.
Thank you all, and we will see you again in our next webinar!
With Your Success In Mind,
Gee DaCosta and
Your totally AMAZING WAZZUB/PI Support Team
Tomorrow there will be a PSM webinar (May 31, 2013) you will want to be there! The password will be posted in the PSM box on your My Profile before the webinar.
Vote in the community in the new polls and tell us what you think. We are the Power of “We” at its best and whatever improvements or challenges we need to solve, we will do so just because we ARE the Power of “We”.
Contact your friends in Facebook from the WAZZUB Community, and share with them our truly amazing PI and what we have to offer totally and FREE FOREVER! Tell them…
Just look what I’ve found… The most amazing FREE page in the entire Internet. You simply become a member and you can play the top 6 lotteries in the world for FREE all in one page for a chance to win up to ,000.000.00 twelve times per week. Plus, over ,000.00 in cold hard cash @ Prize Mania and even collect DealPoints and use them to shop for Electronics, cell phones, camcorders, accessories and so much more simply with the Deal Points. Nowhere else on the Internet you’ll find this. Hurry up, join and tell all your family and friends before someone else tell them. Remember everything is totally FREE FOREVER. There’s no catches or gimmicks. Go there now, here’s my link:
You know your friends and you know exactly what they like so you can cater to their interests. Use the message above or create your own and share it in our community if it’s working so we can all grow PI to the SKY.
Remember once they join you earn 5 DealPoints and 10 DealPoints every single time they shop. They will earn 100 DealPoints immediately after customizing their Perfect Internet like you did.
Before and after they join, you can communicate with them in/from your multi-function chat bar in our WAZZUB Community wherever they are, in our community and even if they are in face book or Google (Gtalk). Again,
We have so much more improvements coming and we want you to stay involved and learn all about it.
Keep watching the PI News and attending our webinars. Keep up to date on all the conversations in our vibrant Forums and Clubs.
Thank you for your patience and all your great comments; we are all part of the same great PI family.
Thank you all, and we will see you again in our next webinar!
With Your Success In Mind,
Gee DaCosta and
Your totally AMAZING WAZZUB/PI Support Team
Thank you for your visit to, blog Go Bisnis Online. Nice day!
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